Monday 16 September 2013

My Biggest Weakness : Palmar hyperhidrosis

what is that???

Palmar hyperhidrosis or excessive hand sweating is the most common and troublesome form of hyperhidrosis. People with palmar hyperhidrosis have cold and clammy hands that sweat excessively. Hand sweating can be initiated by emotional distress, nervousness, stressful situations and anxiety. Excessive sweating could also be seen with no stimulus.

These individuals may experience some or all of the following:

Constantly trying to wipe their hands
Avoid shaking hands
Have difficulty with typing, writing, and handling papers
Difficulty putting on make-up and wearing clothing
Uncomfortable initiating intimate relationships and socially withdrawn
Preoccupied, anxious, and have poor concentration
Difficulty handling money or playing musical instruments
Difficulty with getting a manicure

Treatment :

Medical Treatment


Antiperspirants (Drysol) can be applied to the hands and armpits at night and then removed in the morning. These are usually tried first and may be effective in mild cases.
Tapwater Iontophoresis

Several times per week for several weeks, the hands are placed in an electrolyte solution with low level electrical current. Patients can purchase the equipments to do this at home. This may be effective for mild cases. It is time-consuming; some patients often prefer a permanent solution to repeating this treatment over and over again.


Anticholinergic drugs (e.g., atropine or Robinol) can reduce the seating, but they cause very annoying side effects (dry mouth, difficulty with vision).

Surgical Treatment

Thocoscopic Sympathectomy

Thoracoscopic sympathectomy is the name for the operation in which a nerve in the chest is cut. This procedure may be indicated for the treatment of palmar hyperhidrosis, reflect sympathetic dystrophy, and vascular disease of the hands.


Bukan semua orang sempurna malah, semua orang ada kekurangan masing2.. saya pernah ada baca satu pepatah yang mengatakan bila kita kenal ape kelemahan kita ia akan menjadikan kita lebih kuat, so, kita kenalah tahu kelemahan dan kelebihan diri kita masing2.. tak rugi kita tahu, sekurang2nya kita akan dapat memperbaiki dan mengawal diri kita.. tak ada orang lain yang dapat mengawal diri kita keculai diri kita sendiri..

note to myself : always think positive and finds ways to make life better.

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